What Personal Data We Collect and Why We Collect It

Shopzings is committed to your right to privacy, and we recognize the importance of privacy to our customers, counter parties and website visitors. By reading this statement you consent to the processing of your Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy (Policy). We will keep this Policy under review and any changes made from time to time will be posted on this page. This Policy sets out details of the Information we collect about you and the ways in which we may use that Information.

Personal and/or Commercial Business information

Information means the information/data provided by you, other personal, financial and commercial information and the documents (including but not limited to any document, commercial paper, deed or other form) provided in respect of all herein.

Shopzings endeavors to collect and use your Information only with your knowledge and consent. We may gather your Information from a purchase through your customer enquiries, via email, through our business dealings or through our customer services team, when you request product information or, when you register online or enter any promotions or competitions through any channel. For web visitors, a user must first complete a registration form. During registration, the user is required to give their contact information (such as name and email address). Demographic and geographic Information may be requested. People’s Tee does not share any personal or private customer/business Information submitted online with third parties other than as set out herein. This Information will be stored, analyzed and used to assist Shopzings to improve our services.

The Information you provide on the Shopzings website and/or other communication channels will be held only by Shopzings and its affiliates or duly authorized agents. Your Information will not be given or sold to any outside organization for marketing purposes without your consent.

We may disclose, share, transfer, store or process your Information to/with other companies in the of companies, including their respective partners, agents and subcontractors, for any relevant purposes. In addition, we may disclose your Information as may be required by law, regulation or legal proceedings.

Data Collection and Processing

By submitting your Information you accept that your details and related Information will be managed, stored, transferred and processed by Shopzings in accordance with applicable policies and procedures which may include using third party services for such management, storage, transfer, and/or processing. Please note that Shopzings may provide aggregate statistics and general Information about people’s customers, sales, traffic patterns and related site information to reputable third-parties, but these statistics and general information will not include personally identifying Information. Shopzings shall take reasonable measures to protect any Information provided and maintain privacy of such Information in accordance with standard applicable practices.

Purpose of collecting Information

The Information is used to contact the user about the services on our site for which they have expressed interest.

If you are a Shopzings registered customer, we may use your Information for the purposes of: (a) verifying that you are an authorized user if you call the Shopzings customer services, (b) informing you of any service-related changes affecting your purchase.

Shopzings may also use the Information for the purposes of: (c) providing you with Shopzings and related products and services, (d) informing you of Shopzings special offers and any products and services offered by the people’s group companies that we think may be of interest to you. Shopzings may also be obliged to disclose your Information to meet any legal or government regulatory requirements or obligations in accordance with the applicable laws.

If you decide that you no longer want to be contacted from a particular company, you should contact Shopzings directly at Shopzings@gmail.com

From time to time Shopzings also requests Information from users via our online surveys and satisfaction questionnaires. Participation in these surveys is completely voluntary and the user therefore has a choice whether or not to disclose this Information. Information requested may include contact information (such as name and address). Survey Information will be used for purposes of monitoring or improving customer experience.

Comments and Questions

Shopzings reserves the right to amend or modify this Policy at any time and in response to changes in applicable with the data protection and privacy legislation. If you have any comments or questions about this Policy or about the Information we have gathered about you, please contact Shopzings at Shopzings@gmail.com